Description as a Tweet:

Do you know what you want to major in or courses to take next semester?
Find people just like you to ask questions about courses, majors, and internships. Find your academic community here and get the support you deserve.


We have Facebook for social life and LinkedIn for professional network.
Why not have an academic community?

What it does:

We aim to connect people with related major / courseworks / study abroad / clubs.
Find people just like you and get advice from them!

We want people to feel they belong to a community, because everyone does.

How we built it:

We used android studio using xml and java.
For data base, we used firebase.

Technologies we used:

  • Java

Challenges we ran into:

We had a major Git crisis almost at the end of the project.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

We are proud that we FINSHED (at least the prototype). We are excited to take on this project and take this to another step.

What we've learned:

One of my members used android studio for the first time. And we are proud to be able to learn from each other.

What's next:

We want to add filtering function and message function.

Built with:

Java / xml / firebase

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Mobile App
  • Best Use of Google Cloud

Team Members

sohee kim
Phatnari Akkharakamonsit
Lauren Nguyen

Table Number

Table 33

View on Github