Description as a Tweet:

Experience a unique survival experience wherever you are, Web, mobile and desktop.


I've always enjoyed games like these and why play them when you can make them.

What it does:

The game lands you in the middle of a forest where you have to scavenge for supplies while fending off attacks from Boars.

How we built it:

We built it with the LibGdx library in Java.

Technologies we used:

  • Java

Challenges we ran into:

Half of our team decided the project wasn't right for them on the first night and we had to finish the project with only two members.
It was extremely hard to find 2D assets for the game online since we didn't have an art budget. Much of our graphics are hand designed and drawn by our group members such as the UI and the boar and its animations.

Accomplishments we're proud of:

We were able to grind out the project with only two members and even complete our initial goals we set when we had four members and surpassed the goal.

What we've learned:

We were completely new to the library so we learned the extent of the full library and how to trade sleep for productivity.

What's next:

Well, we have the engine mostly build so with time and assets, it would be extremely easy to expand the game onto new maps and with more resources and creatures. The flexibility of libgdx allows easy deployment onto web, desktop and android. So the next step would be to flesh out the user experience more before looking to do an alpha release.

Built with:

We used Java LibGDX and Coffee.

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Mobile App
  • Best Web App
  • Best Documentation

Team Members

Hanlong Zheng
Suncharn Pipithkul

Table Number

Table 18