Description as a Tweet:

[Dont want to be judged for this just submitting for the record] My project is essentially a chat app to help people who dont have meal swipes get together with people who do.


[Do not want to present to judges] Food anxiety and the facebook group for meal swipes inspired us to make the project

What it does:

[Do not want to present to judges] I just pairs people up with people who have more meal swipes than them.

How we built it:

[Do not want to present to judges] I built it with react and node, it was pretty fun.

Technologies we used:

  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • React

Challenges we ran into:

[Do not want to present to judges] A lot of react specific challenges

Accomplishments we're proud of:

[Do not want to present to judges] I'm proud that I made a chat application in react

What we've learned:

[Do not want to present to judges] I improved my knowlege on react

What's next:

[Do not want to present to judges] This will be a side project of mine and hopefully its good enough for me to put on my resume.

Built with:

[Do not want to present to judges] React

Prizes we're going for:

No Prizes Chosen

Team Members

Ananth Bashyam

Table Number

Table 41

View on Github