Description as a Tweet:

A community event manager app where people collaborate to make/join social events for the greater good. Users participate in events organized by other users/events or admins based on proximity. The app records events of a user in a portfolio and generates 'Social Welfare' score.


A dormmate with 400+ volunteer hours per year told us a story about how he needed to juggle a stack of papers in order for the school to be able to track his community service progress. Not only was the process a pain for both him and the school, there were flaws in that a student could potentially pay an adult to sign and create fake community service hours.

What it does:

Our project digitizes the recording of community service hours and encourages students to find more events as local events are shown nearby.

How we built it:

We created an Android application with AndroidStudio

Technologies we used:

  • Java

Challenges we ran into:

It is difficult to save state with Android Studio meaning information could not be passed between parent and child components easily. onCreate cannot be called easily like React render function
Creating a marker at the center of the screen with Google Maps API (combine both Android UI elements over a fragment with Google Maps)

Accomplishments we're proud of:

Setting up MongoDB Stitch which was more difficult than anticipated due to a misunderstanding when reading the documentation. Stitch is a local database and Atlas is the cloud database meaning Stitch must be created first and then synced with a database in Atlas

What we've learned:

MongoDB Stitch and Atlas, Transposit API, Algorithmia API, UIPath API, Android Studio (& frontend with XML)

What's next:

Deploying our app to the playstore
Improving the frontend (in particular the portfolio) to attract a larger userbase
Dynamically grabbing nearby events with Eventbrite

Built with:

Android Studio - Java / Gradle / Maven with AVD Manager feature, MongoDB Stitch and Atlas, Google Map Android SDK, Parse Back4App, Git to collaborate, Transposit API,

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Mobile App
  • Best Documentation
  • Best use of Transposit
  • Best AWS Hack
  • Best use of MongoDB Atlas
  • Best Use of Google Cloud

Prizes Won

Best Use of Transposit (MLH)

Team Members

Timothy Shee
Naman Ranawat
Sandesh Mysore
Ayush Salik

Table Number

Table 17

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