Description as a Tweet:

Create a colorful flag or banner with our app available at


I wanted a quick banner generator intended for authors or game writers, and to learn react as I went

What it does:

It lets you choose points on your flag, generates triangles, then allows the user to color them in. Click clear to empty the drawing, undo to remove a point, and next to color. Fill triangles with right click. Click next again to download your art.

How we built it:

I used react, node, and html5 canvas

Technologies we used:

  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • React

Challenges we ran into:

Canvas does not always play nice with react

Accomplishments we're proud of:

Getting the coloring system working, originally colors were saved on the fly instead of after the grid is complete

What we've learned:

I learned some simple react and canvas

What's next:

It's basically the next pokemon go not going to lie

Built with:

React, Javascript, nodejs, html5 canvas

Prizes we're going for:

  • Best Web App

Team Members

Robert Washbourne

Table Number

Table 8

View on Github